Speaker: Filip Dul
Abstract: Black hole thermodynamics is an increasingly relevant topic at the conjunction of classical and quantum field theory. Mathematicians—mostly geometric analysts and homological algebraists—are an increasingly relevant group in its study. In this talk, I will give an accessible overview of black hole physics and thermodynamics while introducing the necessary mathematical tools. Time permitting, I will explain how some modern topological tools may help us unravel the mystery a little bit further.
Speaker: Trisha Kothavale
Abstract:The underlying ideas of categorical representation theory involve lifting representations to higher levels of structure by viewing them in terms of categories and functors. This is especially important in studying representations of quantum groups and Lie algebras. We will introduce the representation theory of associative algebra using module theory and define what it means to categorify a representation. We will then give some examples of how these categorifications shed more light on the structure of algebraic objects.
top by the math lounge (Hill 323) to enjoy some pie and participate in a competition to recite the most digits of pi from memory! There will be a prize (water bottle)